In partnership with the Anglican Church of Canada's Creation Matters
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Petition for Climate Change KYOTOplus petition
A petition asking that the Primate and Bishops support a national call for climate change is gaining steam. Phyllis Creighton, Joy Kogawa, Diane Marshall and Lynn McDonald, who are connected with the group Science for Peace and The Environmental Working Group—Diocese of Toronto have written and distributed the ‘Anglican manifesto on climate change’. The concern of the petition is to have our national leaders address “serious cuts deemed necessary by the best science” at the post-Kyoto Convention in December 2009 in Copenhagen. You can find and sign the manifesto at http://www.justearth.net/manifesto.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Bishop Bennett's statement concerning the EnviroAction Committee
I, Bishop Bennett, commend all those in the Diocese of Huron to the good work of the EnviroAction Committee.
(The Right Reverend Robert F. Bennett, Bishop of Huron)
The vitality of our Diocesan Family is seen in so many ways in the congregations and parishes of Huron. Our commitment to be good stewards of God’s creation has been claimed as a priority of ministry by the members of our diocesan EnviroAction Committee.
Care for the world in which we live was named as a key component of our ministry and Christian witness during the discussions at the Lambeth Conference in 2008. Stewardship of creation is one of the Millennium Development Goals. The EnviroAction Committee’s goal is to nurture and facilitate the turning of those global goals into practical challenges that can be addressed and resolved right here in Huron in our own parishes, homes and communities.
The Diocesan Council endorsed the ‘Green Awards’ in 2008. The “Green Awards’ have been developed by the EnviroAction Committee and will provide all in the Diocese of Huron with a means by which we can make decisions regarding the care of our buildings and review the way in which we order the life of congregations, so that our carbon footprint will be reduced.
As you read through the different sections of the EnviroAction portion of our Diocesan website we hope that you will discover ideas which have the potential to re-shape your sensitivity to the world in which you live. The EnviroAction Committee invites you to share your ideas with the committee at enviroactionhuron@gmail.com. We welcome your prayerful support and your active participation in EnviroAction initiatives such as the ‘Green Awards’ and the ‘EnviroChallenge Day’ as we share in this ministry of Environmental Stewardship.
The Rev. Linda Nixon and Nancy Harvey, Co-Chairs EnviroAction Committee
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Blog site is approved!
Thank you.