Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Provincial Eco-Justice Forum on Climate Change

Hello Everyone,

Please join us on Tuesday, March 20th, 2012 for our next Provincial
Networking meeting. Both Bishop Mark MacDonald and Dr. Mishka Lysak
will be joining us in our discussions and will offer important
perspectives having to do with Canada's environmental challenges. The
theme will be: how to develop better ways of encouraging Anglican
engagement with the climate crisis debate in Ontario and Canada. We
value the opportunity to hear their wisdom on ways to proceed in our

See (

See (

We will meet at the ‘Chef of India’ restaurant, 1415 Yonge Street, at
the St Clair subway station at 6:30 pm in the private dining room.  I
am told that it serves good Indian fare at reasonable prices.

When you reply to this email could you make sure you send it to both
John Hill and myself so he can reserve for the appropriate numbers.

If you wish to attend please email John Montgomery and John Hill at:
montgomery. mje@gmail.com

Thank you,

John Montgomery

Worship resources for Earth Day 2012

Kairos' Call to Worship

'via Blog this'

10 Easy things you can do at home to protect endangered species

10 Easy things you can do at home to protect endangered species:

'via Blog this'

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Green Certification instructions

By David Patterson, Energy Coordinator -Greening Sacred Spaces
Greening Sacred Spaces and the ACC (through Greening Anglican Spaces GAS) have a formal partnership with GSS bringing their vast experience with assisting faith communities to ‘go green’. To this end, GSS and GAS are working together on a few separate projects in the “Green Arena”. One such project is the GSS Green Certification Program, where Faith Communities across Canada can complete Greening activities within their building and subsequently apply to GSS for a Light, Medium or Deep Green Status, depending on the number and type of actions they have completed. The GSS Certification Program is modeled after the Anglican Green Parish Designation Award Program created and run by the EnviroAction committee of the Anglican Diocese of Huron over the past 3 years. To this end, GSS is drawing upon the EnviroAction committee’s experience in managing their program.