Friday, November 8, 2013

Continuing Indaba: Theological Reflection Series

New Anglican website hopes to provide resources and generate energy to equip reconcilers in the Church.

Theological Reflection Series | Continuing Indaba

Friday, November 1, 2013

Anglicans speak on greening, transforming faith spaces

Anglicans speak on greening, transforming faith spaces

The Joint Assembly of General Synod in 2013 agreed to create diocesan level Creation Matters task groups. Such task groups will come in line to "encourage parishes to do green audits". The purpose of such audits is to green parish buildings. Enviroaction Huron is part of that partnership. Examples of Anglican churches which are greening their buildings are St. Matthew's (Winnipeg), St. Luke's (Ottawa), and Christ Church Cathedral (Ottawa). The Very Rev. Shane Parker, dean of Christ Church Cathedral in Ottawa, recently proposed a condominium tower and townhouse building project to exceed the LEED gold environmental building standard. Randal Goodfellow chair of Creation Matters says "Don't just improve your building, use it." Anglican parishes are finding ways to do just that.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Climate change 'refugee' seeks asylum from rising seas |

A refugee and his family seek to stay in New Zealand so they can escape the flooding of their island home.

Climate change 'refugee' seeks asylum from rising seas |

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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Friday, September 27, 2013

Monday, September 23, 2013

Put It Back

Covenant and care--a baptismal promise to safeguard creation

General Synod acts on requests from families. The Baptismal Covenant will now call for those being baptized to become stewards of creation.

Covenant and care--a baptismal promise to safeguard creation:

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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Top Anglicans Support Post-Millennium Development Goals

Primates Fred Hiltz and Bernard Ntahoturi
The first ever cross-Province webinar in the Anglican Communion discussed proposals for creating new Millennium Development Goals in 2015. During the debate Archbishop Ntahoturi said "Women's empowerment and participation, as well as environmental issues need to be addressed adequately if we are to eradicate poverty". Such important human issues need to be mutually supportive. Archbishop Ntahoturi was joined by Archbishop Mauricio Andrade of Brazil, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, former deputy general secretary of the UN and Dr. David Hallam. 

Read more at: Burundi Archbishop - "Africa Development, Growth Needs Holistic Approach"

YouTube Link

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Lake Huron Centre For Coastal Conservation - Beach Clean-Ups

The Coastal Centre on September 14, 2013 will mark the 20th Anniversary of the “Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup". Special celebrations will be held in 20 public shoreline clean-ups including Goderich. The September 14th cleanup celebration takes place at the Main Beach in Goderich, at 11 am. The aim is to clean up about 6.5 km of beach and a segment of the Maitland River where it enters Lake Huron.

The Lake Huron Centre For Coastal Conservation - Beach Clean-Ups:

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Monday, August 19, 2013

Sign up for the Bees

Reduce the risk for the destruction of bees and sign a petition.
Premier Kathleen Wynne 
I am asking you to immediately ban the use of neonicotinoid pesticides in Ontario.

Last year, extensive losses of honey bees and other pollinators associated with the application of these toxic pesticides to field crops in Ontario were documented by Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency. Continued high rates of bee kills have been observed and reported this spring as well.


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Will you strive to safeguard the integrity of God's creation?

The Fifth Mark of Mission, to safeguard the integrity of creation, sustaining and renewing the life of the earth, has been established in the Baptismal Covenant. It's addition to the Alternatives Services Baptismal rite shows the importance that this promise is to the life of the Anglican Church of Canada.

Follow link for:

Bishop Terry's Letter and the General Synod Motion 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Pray for Water Justice with the Anglican Environmental Network Creation Time Provides Opportunity to Pray for Water Justice:

Creation Time in 2013, from September 1 to the Feast of St Francis on October 4, is a time when we pray for the preservation of Creation, and give ourselves to sustainable lifestyles. 

"The Anglican Communion Environmental Network (ACEN) has compiled a collection of liturgical resources from around the globe to help churches prepare and think about the issues involved. These include an order of service for Creation Time prepared by the Student Christian Movement India."
Resources can be found at the links below:

ACEN 2013 Season of Creation Resources

World Council of Churches Resources for Time for Creation

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Canada: Joint Anglican-Lutheran Assembly Declares Support for Ethical Mining and Homlessness

Canada: Joint Assembly approves declaration

Anglican-Lutheran Joint Assembly on July 5th, 2013 embraced a different approach to mining companies in Canada and around the world calling for “responsible resource extraction” involving "Canadian companies in Canada and overseas", "advocate(d) for responsible and ethical investment in both Canada and around the world.” and committed churches to support indigenous communities in Canada and abroad. 

On the issue of homelessness, the declaration commits the two churches to “advocate for renewed federal funding” and for an “integrated national collaborative strategy and greater accountability on the part of provinces and municipalities” in addressing homelessness and substandard housing" 

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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Monday, April 22, 2013

Interfaith Tree Planting Celebration in London, Ontario

Details about London's Interfaith Tree Planting Celebration. Reforest London indicates that more than 170 people from twelve faith communities in London will participate:

· Al Mahdi Islamic Community Centre
· Anglican Church of St. Jude
· Congregation Or Shalom
· First St. Andrews United Church
· Greening Sacred Spaces, a committee of Thames Regional Ecological Association
· London Muslim Mosque
· Muslim Association of Canada
· Richards Memorial United Church
· St. James Westminster Anglican Church
· St. Luke the Evangelist - Broughdale
· Temple Israel of London
· Trinity United Church Community Centre    


Sunday, April 28, 2013, 2:00-5:00pm

Welcome, blessings and prayers by faith leaders
Tree planting
Group children’s activities
Sharing of food and fellowship

McCormick Park, enter at 135 Connaught Avenue and go to end of parking lot to access park (

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Green Awards: Anglican Pilot Program and GSS Green Certification Program Summary

            The Green Certification program tries to capture every activity for which communities of faith green their environment. Once churches and faith communities apply they will be given certificates with Light Green, Medium Green or Deep Green status. David Patterson, Energy Coordinator for Greening Sacred Spaces writes, that when "10 of the actions in any of the statuses (occurs), then they will have achieved that status". Faith communities may apply every year to update their certificate. Communities applying for the first time need to fill out a profile on the GSS website: churches and faith communities have any questions they may contact David Patterson, As for churches involved with the Anglican Pilot Program, the "Green Awards" will be mailed to the EnviroAction committee, Diocese of Huron in time for Synod at the end of May. 

Link to Instructions for the Green Certification Program of Greening Sacred Spaces. 

How many rain barrels do you need?

Reep's Discourse on Rain Barrels. See it on You Tube

Barrels On You Tube

Friday, April 12, 2013

Discipleship of the Land: Guided Retreat at The Sisterhood of St. John the Divine

Bishop Mark MacDonald presents a guided retreat bringing nature together with aboriginal culture and spirituality at  the Sisterhood of St. John the Divine Toronto on April 26 to 28, 2013

Guided Retreat at SSJD - The Sisterhood of St. John the Divine - Retreats, Quiet Days & Workshops:

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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Bunyoro Kitara Diocese Launches UGX1.9B Tree Planting Project

Bunyoro Kitara Diocese Launches UGX1.9B Tree Planting Project | Uganda Radio Network:

The Diocese of Bunyoro Kitara launched a Climate Change Mitigation Project.  Bishop Nathan Kyamanywa said the project came about because of the awareness that forests in Bunyoro have been decimated through timber harvesting and charcoal burning. Bishop Kyamanywa says that destruction of forests would contribute to climate change, resulting in changes in rain patterns and extended droughts.

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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Carbon Fast for Lent 2013 | An Environmental Initiative for Lent 2013

1. The great problem of our modern world is how to share bread
2. Get Ready for the Twenty-First of March (Focus on Forests)
3. Forget about making poverty history
4. Support Earth Hour says the Archbishop of Cape Town
5 A Bicycle Built for Two
6. You are not stuck in Traffic-You are Traffic

Monday, February 25, 2013

Update to signers of "Call to Anglicans in Canada for Vision and Action on the Climate Crisis" (the Anglican Manifesto)

February 23, 2013

We welcome a number of new signers of the Anglican Manifesto, people attending the Vigil for the Planet at Holy Trinity Church, Eaton Centre, Toronto (from a number of parishes), on January 16 2013, and members of St Peter’s Church, Toronto.

See the Order of Service, “Vigil for Planet Earth,” which people are invited to use in their own parishes, at conferences or special meetings. Thanks to the Rev John Hill, the Rev Sherman Hesselgrave, Bishop Mark MacDonald, and speaker Alanna Mitchell for the fine service.

Expansion of the tar sands and pipelines to market the additional bitumen in the U.S. (and through B.C. to China) are current big issues. People of faith were among those who gave briefs opposing the Northern Gateway Pipeline--see that by the Rev Ken Gray, presented in January in Victoria.

At a meeting recently in Toronto, a number of Anglicans in JustEarth (a voluntary, mainly secular, group which focuses on climate change) sent letters opposing the Keystone XL Pipeline, one to President Obama, and one to Prime Minister Harper (with email copies to all Members of Parliament. See the following links on the JustEarth website: Stephen Harper letter and Barack Obama letter, Feb. 18, 2013. We invite individuals, groups and parishes to send their own letter. Feel free to use ours, or adapt as you wish.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Earth Day Resources/ Earth Sunday 2013 Bulletin Insert

Earth Sunday 2013 Bulletin Insert from the Enviroaction Committee of the Diocese of Huron.

Click link to go to Bulletin

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Be Ready for London's Earth Day Interfaith Festival in 2013

McCormick/Carling Heights Park, 39 Connaught Avenue, is part of the pedestrian/cycling corridor stretching east and west in London, Ontario. This secondary corridor connects parks along the Canadian Pacific Rail line. On Sunday, April 28, 2-5 pm a number of faith organizations will gather at McCormick Park to participate in activities which demonstrate their care for creation. According to Reforest London contact Julie Ryan the participants include: Al Mehdi Islamic Centre, Baha'i, Colborne Street United, Diocese of Huron, First St. Andrew's United, Good Shepard Lutheran Church, Greening Sacred Spaces, Lutheran Social Services, Muslim Association of Canada, Or Shalom, Richards Memorial United Church, St. James Westminster Anglican Church, St. Luke the Evangelist - Broughdale, St. Peters Cathedral, St. Vincent de Paul - St. John the Divine Conference, St.George's Anglican Church, Temple Israel Synagogue, Trinity Lutheran Church, and Trinity United Church Community Center. Activities planned or hoped for will include Tree planting, food sharing, displays and activities by each faith group to teach others about their faith's beliefs on stewardship of the earth; group children's activity and a  park clean-up. There will possibly be trees for each group to bring home to their religious grounds to plant. Events like this indicate how people understand that there is a common link through the heritage given to humanity by the stewardship of creation. 

RSVP by March 21, 2013 to be part of the Interfaith Event at McCormick Park.
Julie Ryan will send out a poster for your respective faith building, and can be reached at: 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Carbon Fast for Lent 2013: Think about Meat-Free Mondays during Lent

Tearfund has some Earth friendly practices that can help you during Lent. For example, think about Meat-Free Mondays during Lent says Archbishop Thabo.

Meat-free Mondays here

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Trees: God's Gift to London

Creation care or environmental stewardship is important to many faith based groups. It is a common ground for collaboration. On November 22, 2012 in London, Ontario different faith groups met to plan an April tree planting event in 2013. A three hour program on April 28, 2-5pm was proposed. Mutual events between different groups are also supported that include food and beverages and children's activities games and crafts as well as putting trees into the ground. Faith leaders are beginning to talk about it. Many are planning to join them. The next planning meeting is Thursday, Jan 31 at 7:00pm in Committee Room #1 at City Hall (2nd floor), 300 Dufferin Street. If you wish to attend please RSVP to Julie Ryan at

Monday, January 14, 2013

Vigil for Planet Earth

Update to those who have signed the "Call to Anglicans in Canada for Vision and Action on the Climate Crisis " (the Anglican Manifesto)

Vigil and service for the Earth, Toronto, January 16

National Aboriginal Bishop Mark MacDonald and environmental author Alanna Mitchell (also a United Church member) will highlight a powerful “Vigil for Planet Earth” taking place on Wednesday, Jan.16, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., at Church of the Holy Trinity, Trinity Square (behind Eaton Centre) . The event will include readings , prayers and an appeal for Canada to develop a strategy to address climate change. It will feature a strong First Nations focus. Refreshments will be served. All are welcome; why not bring a group from your congregation? To learn more contact the Rev. John Hill, .
 Here you can download a flyer for this Vigil. Please share word widely of this gathering, and consider attending with others. It's time.

First Nations concerns re proposed federal legislation

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Rainforest Action Network mourns the unexpected loss of our visionary Executive Director Rebecca Tarbotton | Rainforest Action Network

Rainforest Action Network mourns unexpected loss of Visionary Leader

Becky also referred to a seemingly gloomy conversation she once had with me about the failure of environmentalism. She got the point I was trying to make. In her speech, she said, "We need to remember that the work of our time is bigger than climate change. We need to be setting our sights higher and deeper. What we're really talking about, if we're honest with ourselves, is transforming everything about the way we live on this planet.... We don't always know exactly what it is that creates social change. It takes everything from science all the way to faith, and it's that fertile place right in the middle where really exceptional campaigning happens — and that is where I strive to be."

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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tool-kit to help Churches on Earth Day 2013

An on-line tool-kit for helping Faith Communities  to be involved on Earth Day 2013 from Earth Day Network. Click link below.

Educate your Faith Community