February 23, 2013
We welcome a number of new signers of the Anglican Manifesto, people attending the Vigil for the Planet at Holy Trinity Church, Eaton Centre, Toronto (from a number of parishes), on January 16 2013, and members of St Peter’s Church, Toronto.See the Order of Service, “Vigil for Planet Earth,” which people are invited to use in their own parishes, at conferences or special meetings. Thanks to the Rev John Hill, the Rev Sherman Hesselgrave, Bishop Mark MacDonald, and speaker Alanna Mitchell for the fine service.
Expansion of the tar sands and pipelines to market the additional bitumen in the U.S. (and through B.C. to China) are current big issues. People of faith were among those who gave briefs opposing the Northern Gateway Pipeline--see that by the Rev Ken Gray, presented in January in Victoria.
At a meeting recently in Toronto, a number of Anglicans in JustEarth (a voluntary, mainly secular, group which focuses on climate change) sent letters opposing the Keystone XL Pipeline, one to President Obama, and one to Prime Minister Harper (with email copies to all Members of Parliament. See the following links on the JustEarth website: Stephen Harper letter and Barack Obama letter, Feb. 18, 2013. We invite individuals, groups and parishes to send their own letter. Feel free to use ours, or adapt as you wish.