Friday, December 5, 2014

Second Sunday Advent Prayer from Bishop Tutu

Holy God,
earth and air and water are your creation, and the web of life is yours.
Have mercy on us in the face of climate chaos.
Help us to be keepers of your Earth:
   to simplify our lives,
   to reduce our use of energy,
   to share the resources you have given us,
   to raise our voices for justice
and to bear the cost of change.

We kindle this “light for Lima” as we pray for the climate change negotiations in Lima, Peru

Find a vigil near you to pray for the leaders meeting in Lima 

First Sunday of Advent Prayer from Archbishop Thabo

Spirit of God, You established the dance of Creation;
bring life out of death
bring order out of chaos.
Call us to radical action:
to care for the web of Creation
to share our resources justly
and to work for the renewal of our Mother, Earth.
We light this candle as we commit ourselves to fast and pray for climate justice.

Archbishop Thabo Makgoba, Cape Town

Archbishop Thabo has written this prayer for the first Sunday of Advent, to be used as people light the first Advent candle.

Prayer list during Advent

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Scientists Speak Out on Enduring Affects of the Climate Crisis

"The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Fifth Assessment Synthesis Report, released November 2, summarizes three reports released over the past year on the physical science; impacts, adaptation and vulnerability; and mitigation. It offers a stark choice: Unless we quickly curtail our fossil fuel dependence, we face "further warming and long-lasting changes in all components of the climate system, increasing the likelihood of severe, pervasive and irreversible impacts for people and ecosystems."

Working toward the Recognition of Environmental Rights in Canada

The purpose of their campaign is "to have the right to a healthy environment recognized in the Constitution's Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and a federal environmental bill of rights is a logical precursor"   Find out more about the promotion of environmental rights

Ecological Resource for Lent

Eco-Footsteps to the Cross a study from Lent to Easter Sunday. During Lent a theme for each week promotes respect for the earth and the people of the earth. It includes a call to worship, opening prayer, chancel drama, children's story, commissioning and Sunday school lesson. It also includes an intergenerational service for Palm Sunday. 
Find more about the book here.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Pollination Garden helps Transform Empty Lot

St. Andrew's Memorial Church grows vegetables for the Fellowship Centre and the Daily Bread Food Program in London Ontario. Nancy Warwick writes that "Over the last three years, (St. Andrew's Memorial Church in London Ontario) built and leased out 14 raised garden plots of various sizes for use by families in the Old South neighbourhood". In 2013 the parish donated more than 300 pounds of produce and expects to give 250 pounds this year.

In 2014 the parish added a pollination garden. Ms Warwick states that "The plants in this garden are labelled and a document is available in the church so that people can do a self-directed tour to see what type of plants attract bees. It is a very pretty sight as you drive or walk along Foxbar Street and a very useful alternative to what was once a vacant empty lot." St. Andrew's is helping to beautify parts of city of London. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Season of Creation Resource for Children's Ministry

Pictorial children's Resource from South Africa outlining the importance of the Season of Creation.
Can be found at the link below:

Friday, July 4, 2014

Stop Poisoning our Bees

27,000 people have put their signatures to a ban on neonics a nerve poison that kills bees. The David Suzuki Foundation action alert is found here. 

"In June, an international group of independent scientists released the results of a comprehensive analysis of 800 peer-reviewed studies on neonics — a massive, four-year undertaking. Their conclusion: “…there is clear evidence of harm sufficient to trigger regulatory action.” The assessment highlights serious risks, not only to bees, but to many other beneficial species, including butterflies, earthworms and birds"

Friday, May 16, 2014

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Get On your Bikes and Ride

The Share the Road program is launched in many municipalities around Ontario.  Make sure there are signs in your community.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Green Certification Program for 2014

Greening Sacred Spaces 'Certification' program helps churches develop a green profile indicating their care for creation.  The program indicates the church's green status in three ways: Light, medium or deep green. Please follow the link below to find out more.
Greening Sacred Spaces

Mission per Square Foot

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Friday, February 7, 2014

Manolis L Oil Spill Gets Worse

Manolis L Oil Spill Getting Worse on Change Islands
When the call went out from The Rev'd. Dr. Joanne Mercer concerning the bunker C oil from the marooned Manolis L Anglican Parishes in the Diocese of Huron in Ontario heard that call. Trinity Anglican Church in Lambeth and Trinity Anglican Church in Cambridge among other Anglicans have circulated petitions to be sent to the federal government. The Revd. Mercer has said that "this is a very important matter and directly tied to our baptismal call to safeguard the integrity of God's creation and to the Marks of Mission". While many people criticise the church when they think it is not showing relevance it is its responses in these types of situations which show that the Anglican church, besides such long term avenues such as the Primates World Relief Development Fund, shows its ability to be a significant contribution to the needs and cares of the world.

"We believe that if this ship breaks apart and some of the 600 tonnes of oil is spilled there will be dire and far reaching environmental consequences. Thank you for any help and support you may be able to provide.

Anglican Priest Asks for Action on Manolis L

I am the parish Priest in Twillingate, Newfoundland and I am hoping that you might be able to provide me with some guidance and assistance. As you may be aware the Manolis L is a paper freighter that sunk near Change Islands in January 1985. In the last few months there has been growing concern about the oil leaking from the ship. The Coast Guard are taking measures but nothing seems to be working for long. There is great concern in my area about this issue and our Ministerial decided this week to work with those actively lobbying to have the oil removed from the ship. This seems to be the only viable long-term solution. In a public meeting held last week in Twillingate they spoke of the importance of getting behind this call quickly as we need Parliament to approve the funding ASAP. They do have a fund set aside for such clean-ups and we need to pressure the government and particularly the minster of environment to act quickly. Our fear is that if the funding is not approved soon the oil will not be able to be removed this year. This is a very serious matter.
         We do have a petition and letters and postcards available and I have attached them for your use. I am wondering if there is any way to get the national church on board on this issue, to help in lobbying and in the distribution of materials. Bishop David Torraville gave me support to send materials throughout our diocese but I think we will need more pressure. I believe that this is a very important matter and directly tied to our baptismal call to safeguard the integrity of God's creation and to the Marks of Mission.
          We believe that if this ship breaks apart and some of the 600 tonnes of oil is spilled there will be dire and far reaching environmental consequences. Thank you for any help and support you may be able to provide.

The Rev'd. Dr. Joanne Mercer Anglican Parish of Twillingate

Monday, January 27, 2014

Let's work together for global food security

Food and nutrition are fundamental for positive physical and mental health, fueling community growth and prosperity.
Commentary by Archbishop Fred Hiltz Anglican Church of Canada
"For the average Canadian, it may seem impossible to have any impact on
such a massive issue like international food security, but that is where
I need to remind everyone that no matter how big a challenge is or may
appear to be, getting involved and making a contribution is key.
Everyone has their own definition of 'commitment' and I encourage those
contemplating involvement to do so in a way that makes them comfortable.
At the end of the day, as long as we are engaged in the issue, we will
make a difference"
Let's work together for global food security | |